Welcome to the Ribbon blog
Learn about the latest job market trends, guides, and Ribbon product updates
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Connecting Recruit AI + Ashby

A quick guide to connecting your Recruit AI interviews with Ashby.

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Cost Analysis: Conversational AI Screening

Recruit AI is a powerful screening tool capable of evaluating thousands of applicants 24/7. It saves you valuable time by filtering and identifying candidates, allowing you to focus on engaging with your top candidates.

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Case Study: Scaling the Hiring Process with Recruit AI

Staging Labs focuses on developing innovative solutions to secure the future of cryptocurrency. As they grew, so did their need for a robust and scalable hiring process to bring in top-tier talent efficiently.

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🚀 Introducing Ribbon Jobs V2: Turbocharge Your Job Hunt!

We're super excited to roll out Ribbon Jobs V2 — our biggest update yet.

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The Ultimate Guide to Job Searching - Proven Tips for Success

In today’s competitive job market, finding the right job can be as demanding as a full-time job itself. These tips can get you ahead of the competition.

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Tell Me About Yourself: A Simple Guide to a Great Answer

"Tell me about yourself" is a classic interview question. Here's the framework for the perfect answer.

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Does your contract include a non-compete?

Chat AI makes it easy to learn about non-competes and whether they apply to you.

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Navigating Job Offers: 5 Professional Tips for Declining Gracefully

Knowing how to respectfully decline a job offer is crucial.

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How to Ace Your Amazon Leadership Principles Interview

Navigating Amazon's Leadership Principles interview section requires more than just understanding the principles themselves.

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Ribbon: Pioneering Fairness in AI-Powered Recruitment

Ribbon is at the forefront of developing ethical AI solutions that address and mitigate biases.

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Acing Your Tech Startup Interview: Beyond the Code

Preparing for an interview in the tech and startup world is about more than just brushing up on technical skills or memorizing your resume.

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Chat AI: Your New Digital Career Coach

Today we launched Chat AI, our latest product designed to transform how you navigate your career path.

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How to Land Your First Internship

Securing your first internship is a pivotal step in your career journey, offering invaluable experience, skills, and networking opportunities.

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The Best Way to Practice for Interviews in Today's Job Market

Interview preparation is key to securing your dream job in today's competitive job market.

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We're moving to a new domain

Ribbon is moving to ribbon.ai and we're renewing our focus on making AI work for you to improve your career.

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How to Improve Your Resume for the Modern Job Market

In the rapidly evolving job market, having a standout resume is more crucial than ever.